Homoeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, the concept similar to the vaccinations. However, homoeopathy goes a step beyond, whereby the medicines are used more curatively rather than just preventive. The homoeopathic medicines, as do the vaccines, are understood to be working at the immunological level, by triggering the natural immune response of the body.
Homeopathic medicines help to restore a healthy balance naturally, without chemical drugs that have side effects. Balance is restored using the body's own natural process, thereby enhancing the immune system. By stimulating a return to balance, homeopathic remedies promote increased strength, flexibility, and resistance to disease.
Six major sources: a. Plant kingdom b. Minerals and chemicals c. Animal products d. Bacteria and viruses e. Hormones f. Diseased tissues
The hardcore principles and the medical philosophy make homoeopathy modern in its approach, which can be summarized as under:
1. Totalistic Understanding any patient, especially with chronic approach :
disease by evaluating following parameters:
Disease pathology + Physical constitutional tendencies + Mental attributes + Genetic tendencies + Environmental factors + Life style factors.
Homeopathic medicines help to restore a healthy balance naturally, without chemical drugs that have side effects. Balance is restored using the body's own natural process, thereby enhancing the immune system. By stimulating a return to balance, homeopathic remedies promote increased strength, flexibility, and resistance to disease.
2. Treat the Above stated parameters are often patient, not just studied by many systems of medicine.
Interestingly, homoeopathy is the only system where the prescription is based on the sum of the multifactorial totality. This tailor made medicine, instead of
disease specific medicine makes homoeopathy modern in its outlook.
3. Micro dose,The infinitesimal dose used in the homoeopathic Mega effect:
medicine with the capacity to treat deep seated chronic diseases brings homoeopathy to a new area of research. The small dose wonder has opened new horizons for the entire medical field.
because they've all been tested on healthy people, we know their effect on the human body. In acute illness homoeopathy
♦ Treats acute symptoms safely and effectively
♦ Has no side - effects
♦ Improves resistance to infection
♦ Shortens recovery time after illness- often preventing complications
4. Proven efficacy in treating chronic disease
The challenge of treating chronic diseases is known to the medicos. Homoeopathy has gained remarkable mileage in this sector, which makes the
science of homoeopathy modern.
5. Unexplored Research horizons:
One of the signs of modernity is the in-built scope for research and development. Homoeopathy being young science enjoys tremendous potential for research and hence for growth, with regards to the mechanism of action, the modus operand! of the micro dose.
Chronic and recurring Gastritis, Peptic Ulcer, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, Hepatitis A, B
Surgical Condition
Fissure-in-ano, Piles, Adenoids, Frequent Tonsillitis, Vocal cord polyp, Nasal polyp, Chalazion, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Fibroadenoma of breast
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Chronic neuritis, Peripheral neuropathy, sciatica.
Urticaria, Lichen Planus, Eczema, Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Warts, Hair falling. Acne vulgaris etc.,
Frequent Cold and Cough, Childhood asthma, Frequent Tonsillitis, Adenoids, Allergies, Chronic diarrhoea, Dyslexia, Chronic functional disorders, Nephrotic syndrome, Autism, GB syndrome, Bed Wetting.
ENT and Respiratory Diseases
Allergic Rhinitis, Frequent cold, Recurrent Sinusitis, Recurrent Tonsillitis,
Bronchial asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Allergic cough
Psychiatric Disorders
Anxiety disorders, Depression, Insomnia, Phobia